Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My New Blog

Hello all!! Who is all? I'm not sure right now. I have no idea where this blog will lead, nor do I have any idea as to who will be reading this at any point down the line other than myself and my chef instructor. I really wanted to start this blog last quarter, my first, as a way to document my journey through culinary school and to keep track of my thoughts and progress. However, we were required to post one entry a week on our class blog, and I never really got past that process.
Although I would really like to go back and write about the progression through the first quarter, including the pictures from each week, I don't want to confuse myself or anyone else who reads this. If I can figure out how to lump them together or have someone teach me(hint, hint to my friends that already have blogs) I will definitely work my way through that.
This blog will begin as a blog about the class that I am currently in and my experience as a culinary student. I'm absolutely positive that it will include some other aspects of that experience as well. One of the other options for extra credit is to do any 8 dishes from a list of 16 and report on them via blog or written report which will also include pictures. I'm hoping that I will include that in this blog as well. It won't get me any extra points but it will keep me branching out and practicing.
The most important thing to remember about this blog is that I am not a professional nor even a novice writer. I think that I have a good understanding of the English language. However, I am sure that there will be some mistakes in here. I also tend to branch off of what I'm talking about and then come back to it. I am going to use this opportunity to try to stem that by writing, saving, and editing before posting. Hopefully that will keep things going smoothly.
With that in mind, I will be posting my entry for this week later in the week. After my class today(which I will go into in my next post) this is probably my best route for success.

Once again, welcome and good reading!! Feel free to post questions and/or comments.

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