Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Yes, after this class(my first this quarter), I was angry. It was the beginning of the quarter and we didn't really know what was going on. We had no recipes before we showed up for class and most of us didn't know each other. There is one person in my class that I know and I will have to figure out who should be here and who shouldn't. Although we are all here, I believe that not eveyone should be. Hopefully, that will be fixed as we go through this class. So after going through class and starting our lab, I was very excited that things would go well, even though we weren't sure what was going on before we got there. However, I soon found out that this might not happen. We had made most of these recipes in our foundation class and things seemed like they would go smoothly once lab started. I'm not real sure if it was us not knowing what was going on, us being unorganized, or the recipes, but we all failed miserably. The pictures that you see were the finished products, but I'm still not sure we did a good job. Actually, I feel that we didn't. By the time I drove home, which is an hour trip, I was angry. I was angry that we didn't get things accomplished. I was angry that we didn't do well with the recipes. And, finally, I was angry with the fact that I didn't really want to eat anything that we had made(although that might have been due to the recipes). I think, more than anything, that I was angry about how things had gone. Obviously, being prepared is our best defense. Since this was the first class, we were anything but. Therefore, I will just post the pictures and be done with this lab. I will make sure that my group is better from here. Especially since Chef looked at our group and said, "This is the A group here!!)
By the time I got home, I was angry!! Angry at the unorganization and at us not delivering. I am expecting nothing but better things going forward.

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